well+wonders' Hydration Reminder & Tracker App
well+wonders' Hydration Reminder Tracker App, designed to help users maintain optimal hydration levels by sending personalized reminders and tracking water intake. The app aims to promote healthier hydration habits by making it convenient for users to stay aware of their fluid intake, ultimately contributing to improved overall health and well-being.
Product Design
Responsive Web App
To refill the virtual bottle, you can select what type of beverage you want to refill. There are eight main beverages such as water (default), tea, coffee, juice, soda, coconut water, beer and bubble tea. After selecting the beverage you can select how much you refill the bottle. You can refill it by indicator (from the bottle) or using volume (ounces or liters).
To track how much the user drink every single day, I provided some charts that help visualize daily, weekly, and monthly hydration intake. There's also an average intake for every range of time.
To promote the physical bottle, I also added an external link to buy the bottle in the website.